Thursday, January 3, 2013

29 days post surgery

Nothing really has been going on. . I have another appointment with my surgeon on January 4th. Guess ill upload pics from NEW YEARS EVE to show you my progress.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day 10 !!!!

I had my first post op visit yesterday. They looked around. Stretched my already chapped lips. You know those cracks in the corner, yeah. . He stretched those and it reopened. Talk about pain. Then a resident (it's a teaching hospital) came in and put rubber bands on. After surgery the rubber bands were loose. I could eat with a spoon, open my mouth. Etc. at my post op appt the resident put on TIGHT rubber bands I could barely open. I broke down. I started crying and yelled at him "HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO EAT OR TAKE MY MEDICINE !" So he asked my surgeon if he can make them looser. He said yeah. I had one on both sides (at first it was a box) and 2 in the front. It was still tight, but better than it was. Later that night around 3am, i cut the front rubber bands off. it was just too much. That day i took pain meds, maybe 3. but timely spaced out. on an empty stomach. so when i finally ate the meds start working fast. it felt like i was gonna pass out ! i couldnt sleep. every time i dozed off, i was dreaming. . and it felt SO real. felt like i was really moving doing things. (icing my face.picking up things) then id jump and wake up and notice i was never moving. so scary !!!! Today (day 10) was a good day. No pain ! Didn't take any pain meds. Hopefully ill NEVER have to take anymore. Just waiting for swelling to go down. Hopefully by Christmas ill be okay. Ill be 20 days post op. I have an appt on Friday with surgeon. Ill update then.

Before and 10 days post op pics.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Picturessssss !

Before and after pics !! The after pics are at like day 4. Im now one week post op. But ill take some pics at like day 10.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Going on day 3

Well had surgery on the 5th. Do I count day that as day one ??? Anyway. They admitted me into the hospital. I was just waiting around. The hardest part for me was the iv. So I thought lol. I stayed overnight at the hospital. It was okay. They gave me medicine that really helped me out. But when I left that prescription wasnt in there. So i was taking other pain meds. that was a bad night. So today while I was in pain I had took different pain meds while my mom went back up to ohsu hospital to get the script that actually helped me. Then had to go all the way to Safeway to get it filled. After I got that medicine, I was sleep throughout the day. Oh on night one I only slept 2 hours. My mom came in my room like 20-30 times. Now going on day 3. I have it somewhat under control. Sorry this post is all over the place. I've just been icing my face. Taking hot showers so the steam could decongest me. And using a Vicks humidifier. Guess ill take some pains meds. Bye

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Got my supplies !

So I've got most of my supplies that will be needed for surgery. My surgery is on Wednesday (dec.5th.2012) I noticed that other people that are having jaw surgery posted their supply list and it has REALLY helped me out to the point where I went to people blog supply list and got some of the same items. The place I shopped at was Walmart super center.

Aquaphor lip care- $3.97
Baby toothbrush (2pk) $1.27
Equate Nasal spray- $1.97
Baby spoons (4pk)- $3.86
Neck pillow- $7.97
Q-Tips - $1.94
Facial cleansing wipes- $3.97
Dial soap- $0.97
Alcohol free mouthwash- $3.87
Kleenex w/ lotion- $4.76
Vicks Humidifier- $14.97
Vapopads- $5.24
Blistex medicated lip balm- $0.97

Hope this helped for anyone that is going to have jaw surgery. Guess ill update you guys after I'm on the other side.

Monday, November 5, 2012

T- 29 days !!!

Whelp I'm in my 20's now. . Can't wait until this day comes (dec 5th 2012) I'm glad I'm having surgery AFTER thanksgiving. That means I can gain some weight before the liquid diet comes. Well I'm just on a countdown now so I probably won't update this until after surgery. Wish me luck. :)